Well the online presence of Total War is finally a reality. This first week has been a real learning curve for on this format and can only get better. Hopefully the navigation is simple enough and i'm sure there'll be some further tweaking along the way.

Fresh stock from Listenable and the almighty Invictus Productions is up and available. The new albums from Lucifericon and the Sepulcre ep are absolutely killer. If you havn't then i suggest you familiarise yourself before it's to late!!

Coming soon will be stock from old mate Blood Harvest,yes i know itts overdue but i've been busy setting this up. Also Osmose Productions will be a staple here. Keep on eye out as it won't be far off

If you're in New Zealand,good news!!!! The store is open to you guys aswell. We all know how brutal the postage is to the southern hemisphere so hopefully this is a better alternative.

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